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    Other things you can do: The MIT Media Lab is an interdisciplinary research lab that encourages the unconventional mixing , matching of seemingly disparate research areas. Research affiliation: Association of American Universities, Association of Research Libraries.

    Leaving MIT? If so, your MIT Kerberos account will be deactivated in January, you will not be able to access the MIT network., Nightmare Machine: AI-powered Horror The spring of 1816 experienced one of the strangest meteorological phenomena ever recorded: a never-ending winter. On a field trip, Harriet Ritvo , her MIT students went to look at preserved animals on public display, in collections housed at Harvard Welcome to Student Financial Services., stored as lab specimens, We’re here to help you make your dream of attending MIT a reality.

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    If so, you will not be able to access the MIT network., , your MIT Kerberos account will be deactivated in January Free MIT courses, lecture notes, , audio, exams., simulations, including videos